IceCube Fast Response Analysis: S190814bv: ASKAP J005547-270433


Analysis Results

This page details an additional analysis done on the location of a potential counterpart to a GW event. The source, its location, and the details of the time window are given in the below table. For these follow-ups, the GW skymap published by LVK is not used; rather, the source is assumed to be a point source (or have some extension), as given in the table below. For more details on the analysis method, see R. Abbasi et al 2021 ApJ 910 4.

Note: This p-values measure the consistency of the observed track-like events with the known atmospheric backgrounds for this single map (not trials corrected for multiple GW events).

Upper limits given in the below table are time-integrated muon-neutrino flux upper limits assuming an E^-2 spectrum at the 90% CL.
Name:ASKAP J005547-270433
RA (J2000) (deg.):13.95
Dec (J2000) (deg.):-27.08
Source extension (deg.):-
Start time (UTC):2019-08-14 18:46:39.010
Stop time (UTC):2019-08-28 21:10:39.01
Duration (s):1218240.0
Upper limit (E^2 dN/dE, TeV cm^-2)4.35e-04